(import filesystem) (import path) (defn pairs->table "Convert an array of pairs into a table." [pairs] (reduce (fn [acc [key val]] (put acc key val)) @{} pairs)) (defn split-first "Split the string on the first occurrence of the delimeter. If the delimeter is not found, return the original string." [delim str] (def idx (string/find delim str)) (if idx @[(string/slice str 0 (- idx 1)) (string/slice str (+ idx 1))] str)) (defn nesting-levels "Return the number of nesting levels in the given file path." [path] (length (string/find-all path/sep path))) (defn get-output "Execute a command and get its stdout. command-list is an array consisting of the executable to run and its arguments." [command-list] (def p (os/spawn command-list :p {:out :pipe})) (def stdout (:read (p :out) :all)) (:wait p) stdout) (defn markdown-file-to-html "Read and convert a markdown file to html. Return an html buffer." [path] (get-output ["pandoc" "-f" "markdown" "--mathjax" path])) (defn substitute-variables "Perform variable substitution on the given string." [variables path str] (var str str) (def max-recursion-depth 5) (loop [i :in (range max-recursion-depth)] (loop [[variable body] :pairs variables] (def variable-str (string "${" variable "}")) (set str (string/replace variable-str body str)))) (string/replace-all "${ROOT}/" (string/repeat "../" (- (nesting-levels path) 1)) str)) (defn process-html "Process the given HTML contents, applying the website's template." [template contents] (string/replace "${CONTENTS}" contents template)) (defn process-files "Process the files in the source directory and write the results to the destination directory." [process source-dir dest-dir] (each file (filesystem/list-all-files source-dir) (process file))) (defn make-processor "Create a function that processes files based on their extension." [src-dir build-dir template variables] (fn [src-filepath] (print "Processing file " src-filepath) (def ext (path/ext src-filepath)) (def processed-contents (match ext ".css" (substitute-variables variables src-filepath (filesystem/read-file src-filepath)) ".html" (substitute-variables variables src-filepath (process-html template (filesystem/read-file src-filepath))) ".md" (substitute-variables variables src-filepath (process-html template (markdown-file-to-html src-filepath))) _ nil)) # nil means we copy the file as is. (var dst-filepath (string/replace src-dir build-dir src-filepath)) (set dst-filepath (match ext ".md" (string/replace ext ".html" dst-filepath) ".markdown" (string/replace ext ".html" dst-filepath) _ dst-filepath)) (if processed-contents (filesystem/write-file dst-filepath processed-contents) (filesystem/copy-file src-filepath dst-filepath)))) (defn read-map-file "Read key-value pairs from a file. The file should be a text file with lines of the form |key = value|. Return a table." [path] (def contents (filesystem/read-file path)) (def lines (filter (fn [x] (not (empty? x))) (string/split "\n" contents))) (def name-body-pairs (map (fn [line] (def @[name body] (split-first "=" line)) @[(string/trim name) (string/trim body)]) lines)) (pairs->table name-body-pairs)) (defn usage [argv0] (print "Usage: " argv0 " ") (os/exit 0)) (defn main [argv0 &opt src-dir] (when (nil? src-dir) (usage argv0)) (def src-dir (path/normalize src-dir)) (def config (read-map-file (path/join src-dir "config.txt"))) (def build-dir (path/normalize (string (get config "BUILD-DIR") path/sep))) (print "Generating website: " src-dir " -> " build-dir) (def template-file (get config "TEMPLATE-FILE")) (def variables-file (get config "VARIABLES-FILE")) (def template (filesystem/read-file (path/join src-dir template-file))) (def variables (read-map-file (path/join src-dir variables-file))) (def processor (make-processor src-dir build-dir template variables)) # For clean builds, re-create the build directory. (filesystem/recreate-directory build-dir) (process-files processor src-dir build-dir))