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An IRC bot coded in x86 assembly for linux.

The code isn't very clean; I did this back in 2008. It also doesn't do much other than sitting in a channel waiting for someone to make it quit. The bot does not pong the server back after the first pong so it eventually timeouts.


; This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
; the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
; and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
; To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
; COPYING for more details.
;IRCBOT for Linux

;General information to recall:
;esi holds the socket descriptor
;edi points to the string received from the server (on stack)
;To call send, first push the length of the string to send,
;then a pointer to the string, and afterwards call send.



section .data
logincmd db ': NICK asmbot',0xd,0xa,'USER asmbot asmbot :asmbot',0xd,0xa
quit db 'QUIT :Did you hear that?',0xd,0xa
joinchannels db 'JOIN #botground',0xd,0xa
msg_priv db 'PRIVMSG '
msg_quit db 'quit'

section .text
global _start

;Alright, code goes here.
;Basically, it is divided into three main parts:
; Initialisation -> setting up, connecting to the server, making space for buffer.
; Main loop -> receiving and parsing commands.
; Ending -> send quit message, disconnect from server, and exit.

xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx

;Make space for variables.
sub esp, 4
mov ebp, esp

;[ebp] int: 1 when channels have been joined, 0 otherwise.
;[ebp+4] int: holds the number of bytes received by recv().

;Initialise variables.
mov dword [ebp], 0

push edx
push 0x1
push 0x2
mov ecx, esp
inc bl
mov al, 102
int 0x80
mov esi, eax
cmp eax, 0
jb near socket_fail

push edx
push dword 0x4bb8b2c3
push dword 0x0B1A0002
mov ecx, esp
push 0x10
push ecx
push esi
mov ecx, esp
mov bl, 3
mov al, 102
int 0x80
test eax, eax
jnz near connect_fail

;We will need a buffer later on
;to receive messages from the server.
push edx
sub esp, 127+28
mov edi, esp

;Send the login information to the server.
push dword 0 ;Flags
push dword 67 ;Length
push logincmd ;String
push esi
call send

push dword 0 ;Flags
push dword 128 ;Len
push edi ;buf
push esi ;socket
mov ecx, esp
mov ebx, 10
mov eax, 102
int 0x80
mov [ebp+4], eax
test eax, eax
jz near connection_closed
jbe near recv_fail
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ecx

;String long enough to
;deal with parsing?
cmp dword [ebp+4], 6
jbe recv

mov edx, edi
mov ecx, 124

cmp dword [edx], 0x474E4950 ;GNIP
je pong

inc edx
dec ecx
jnz check_ping_repeat

jmp check_channels

;Now we need to substitute the I
;in PING for O, so that is reads
;PONG, and reply to the server with
;our new string. O = 0x47.
mov byte [edx+1], 0x4F

;Send the reply
push 16
push edx
call send

;Have channels already been joined?
;If so, jump straight into the message parsing block.
mov eax, [ebp]
test eax, eax
jnz check_message

;Prudential wait time.
mov eax, 162
push dword 0
push dword 1
mov ebx, esp
xor ecx, ecx
int 0x80

;Once the server has welcomed us, we can join channels.
push dword 0 ;Flags
push dword 17
push joinchannels
push esi
call send

mov dword [ebp], 1 ;Channels have been joined.


;user@host PRIVMSG #botground :asmbot, quit

;String long enough to
;deal with parsing?
mov ecx, [ebp+4]
cmp ecx, 9
jb recv

mov edx, edi

cmp dword [edx], 0x56495250 ;VIRP
jne check_message_iterate

cmp dword [edx+4], 0x2047534D ; GSM
je check_message_continue

inc edx
dec ecx
jz recv
jmp check_message_next


;Now find the : in the message.
add edx, 8

cmp byte [edx], 0x3A
je parse_command
inc edx
dec ecx
jz recv
jmp recheck_msg


;PRIVMSG #Botground :asmbot, quit

;Is edx pointing near the end of the buffer?
;If so, there is no need to parse the string.
cmp ecx, 10
jb recv

;Get past the :
inc edx

;Now we read whatever was said after
;the : and check for commands.

;Was our name said ? asmbot, (space)
cmp dword [edx], 0x626D7361 ;bmsa
cmp dword [edx+4], 0x202C746F ; ,to
jne recv

;Get past the name
add edx, 8

;Was quit said?
push 4
push msg_quit
push edx
call compare
test eax, eax
je bye_bye

jmp recv

;cmp dword [edx], 0x74697571 ;tiuq
;jne recv

;We say good bye!
push dword 0 ;Flags
push dword 26
push quit
push esi
call send

;Close the socket.
;SHUT_RDWR = 0x2
push 0x2
push esi
mov ecx, esp
mov ebx, 0xD
mov eax, 102
int 0x80
test eax, eax
jnz near shutdown_fail

;Set ebx to 0 for a clean exit call.
xor ebx, ebx

mov eax, 1
int 0x80

mov ecx, esp
add ecx, 4
mov ebx, 9
mov eax, 102
int 0x80
cmp eax, 0
jb near send_fail
pop eax ;ret
pop ecx ;socket
pop ecx ;buf
pop ecx ;len
pop ecx ;flags
push eax

pop eax ;ret
pop edx ; ptr one
pop ebx ; ptr two
pop ecx ; Length
push eax

mov al, [edx]
xor al, [ebx]
test al, al
jnz compare_return

dec ecx
test ecx, ecx
jz compare_equal

inc edx
inc ebx
jmp compare_loop

xor eax, eax


pop ecx
pop edx
mov ebx, 0x1
mov eax, 0x4
int 0x80

;Set ebx to 1 as an error code.
mov ebx, 1
jmp exit

;The fail functions are all listed here.
;The tags are pretty self explanatory.
;Remember to push the length of the string to print
;before calling fail.

push 14
call fail
db 'recv() failed',0xa

push 16
call fail
db 'socket() failed',0xa

push 48
call fail
db'The server closed the connection.',0xa

push 17
call fail
db 'connect() failed',0xa

push 14
call fail
db 'send() failed',0xa

push 18
call fail
db 'shutdown() failed',0xa