AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-13Avoid __VA_OPT__; not available until C2X.HEADmain3gg
2024-04-13Hard asserts.3gg
2024-04-13Fix assert macro.3gg
2024-04-13Undef log macros if they are already defined to redefine them without warnings.3gg
2024-03-09Define functions to get the number of used blocks.3gg
2024-02-25Better log macro.3gg
2024-02-25Better assert macro.3gg
2024-02-25Simpler error logging API.3gg
2024-02-25Add function to check for empty string.3gg
2024-02-13Let memory allocators trap by default when attempting to allocate beyond capa...3gg
2024-02-12Use stderr for LOGE.3gg
2024-02-10Reword comments.3gg
2024-01-20Avoid macro redefinition.3gg
2024-01-19Add comments, simplify deletion.3gg
2023-07-17Add used list to mempool; fix mem iteration.3gg
2023-07-16Fix mem and mempool iteration.3gg
2023-07-16Add function to query pool capacity.3gg
2023-07-16Fix path concatenation.3gg
2023-07-13Add a free list to mempool.3gg
2023-07-13Add tests for dyn and clear.3gg
2023-07-13Add mem allocator, remove listpool.3gg
2023-07-11Add filesystem library.3gg
2023-07-11Add support for dynamically allocated mempools.3gg
2023-06-17Add error library.3gg
2023-06-16Add plugin library.3gg
2023-06-12Add list library.3gg
2023-02-17Add string hash.3gg
2023-02-04More compliance with C11.3gg
2023-02-04Add time_point_to_ns().3gg
2023-02-04Add itoa.3gg
2023-02-04Rename cstring -> cstr.3gg
2023-01-23Update listpool's interface to be on par with mempool's.3gg
2023-01-23Clear block info on init and simplify next free block search.3gg
2023-01-07Add concat_cstr.3gg
2023-01-05Add length() and append().3gg
2022-05-11Add random variable.Marc Sunet
2022-05-07Add string comparison.3gg
2022-05-07Add random library.Marc Sunet
2021-12-23Lower cmake version to 3.0Marc Sunet
2021-12-04Add timer library.3gg
2021-12-04Initial commit.3gg
2021-12-04Initial commit3gg