path: root/gfx
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-15Rename render -> core.HEADmain3gg
2024-03-09Rename RenderBackend -> GfxCore.3gg
2024-03-02Compute joint bounding boxes.3gg
2024-02-25Add gfx_reset_polygon_offset().3gg
2024-02-25Use new error function.3gg
2024-02-25Fix gfx_imm_set_model_matrix().3gg
2024-02-25Use new error function.3gg
2024-02-25Log asset load failures.3gg
2024-02-19Address TODO.3gg
2024-02-19Address TODO.3gg
2024-02-17Remove joint nodes after the model anima is loaded.3gg
2024-02-17Fix constness in model loader.3gg
2024-02-17Fix constness of node.3gg
2024-02-17Introduce gfx_update().3gg
2024-02-17Rename scene.h/c -> model.h/c.3gg
2024-02-17Asset cache returns model clones.3gg
2024-02-17Asset cache returns const Texture.3gg
2024-02-17Introduce Model.3gg
2024-02-17Pack joints into array to simplify animation data structure and make it easie...3gg
2024-02-15Move scene and texture utils to asset/.3gg
2024-02-13Make loaded scene node an anima node only if the scene has skins/skeletons.3gg
2024-02-13Assert cleanup.3gg
2024-02-12Initial implementation for an asset cache.3gg
2024-02-11Prevent dummy scene object allocations from getting compiled out.3gg
2024-02-08Address TODO.3gg
2024-02-08Add AABB2 and matrix stack to immediate-mode renderer.3gg
2023-07-13Remove listpool.3gg
2023-06-24Isometric Renderer initial commit.3gg
2023-06-21Update comment.3gg
2023-06-21Add ability to update texture contents.3gg
2023-06-21Fix bug in Geometry that would over-allocate buffers.3gg
2023-06-21Make camera optional in the renderer and move start/end frame calls outside s...3gg
2023-06-21Flip y-coordinate in view-texture shader and use texelFetch to avoid bilinear...3gg
2023-06-17Move and import error library from clib.3gg
2023-06-16New plugin architecture.3gg
2023-06-15Add TODO for const qualifier in Buffer.3gg
2023-06-15Remove use of non-standard __VA_OPT__3gg
2023-06-12Let skyquad take RenderBackend directly.3gg
2023-06-02scene_memory refactor to make adding new types easier.3gg
2023-05-30Move debug rendering to the renderer.3gg
2023-05-27Lazy load of IBL state in renderer.3gg
2023-05-27Split renderer and immediate mode renderer implementation.3gg
2023-05-26Add gfx_animate_scene() for convenience.3gg
2023-05-26Add bounding boxes and an immediate mode renderer. Pending proper bounding bo...3gg
2023-05-26Add node getters and iterators.3gg
2023-02-25Simplify buffer creation, add support for dynamic geometry.3gg
2023-02-17Fix sizeof calculations in gfx_make_buffer().3gg
2023-02-11Fix IBL cubemap coordinate system and put position-normal-tangent in world sp...3gg
2023-02-11Add support for 8-bit vertex indices.3gg